Bird | Removal | Extermination Service Providing Company Ottawa Area, ON
Are you looking for the best pest bird control company in Ottawa Area, ON?
There are six types of birds which are generally categorized into nuisance pests- starling, pigeons, house sparrows, woodpeckers, Canadian geese and gulls. Their appearances may be enough to melt your heart but they are the carrier of various fleas and diseases. However, dealing with them is not easy. Professional bird removal Ottawa is the only remedy to this problem.

How do birds look like?
The shades of the pests birds can be either a monochrome or a mixed of attractive colors. The colors include black, brown, black and white. Pest birds, especially pigeons sometimes have streaks of hues (peach, green, blue, lilac, etc) on them. House sparrows are the smallest of all the pest birds. In length they can be around 14-18 cm long with wingspan of approximately 19-25 cm. On the other hand, Canadian geese with a wingspan measure about 182 cm and without wingspan they measure 90-120 cm in length.

What Is The Life Cycle Of Birds?
Birds generally mate and raise their young ones only in summer and spring season. Each year they give birth to one or two off-springs. House sparrows, however, can give birth up to five broods in a year. Almost every bird undergoes a period of incubation of at least two weeks. Eggs of birds like gulls and Canadian geese need incubation of one month. The baby birds begin leaving the nest approximately two to four weeks after preening. The total lifespan of a pest bird or nuisance bird depends on a variety of factors. A pest bird can live up to 2-10 years

What Are The Common Problems Birds Cause?
Pest birds are the carrier of various parasites such as ticks, fleas, and mites. Thus, they pass on diseases to livestock and humans. The pigeon excretes usually contains fungal diseases like cryptococcosis and histoplasmosis. These two diseases are fatal for people with weak immune systems. Most of the species of birds are known to be noisy. They can harm both equipment and buildings. The excrement of the birds is usually unsightly. If unnoticed they can remain stick to the building probably causing damage to the structure. They can be serious at times as they can cause blockage of drainage and in some cases fire hazards as well. Fire hazards are primarily caused when they build nests in places like a gutter, small crevices, and drain of any building. Many pest birds show an aggressive attitude to humans.

How to Prevent Birds Infestation in Your Property?
Prevention of Birds is an extremely tough task as these flying creatures can hop at many places within seconds, does catching them is an extremely difficult task, which can be handled by a licensed professional for bird removal near you. The following preventive measure can be taken to keep them away:
- Monitor the water accumulation level at the sites which hold the chances of nesting in a routine manner.
- Repair the faulty drainage systems.
- Always conceal the outdoor trash cans properly.
- Do not leave any food traces in and around the building.

How To Get Rid of Birds?
Birds generally target buildings in order to get themselves shelter and food. They are susceptible to nesting at any building complexes be it an apartment or a hospital. Generally, birds feed on grains, fruits, insects, and seeds, while species that live close to humans feed on similar food like that of the latter. Some of such examples are leftover food from restaurants, cake, peanuts, bread, etc. In villages, the primary source of their food includes livestock feed.