Raccoon | Skunk | Removal | Extermination Service Providing Company Ottawa Area, ON
Are you looking for the best Raccoon/Skunk (wildlife ) removal company in Ottawa Area, ON?
Raccoons are well adjusted to both city and rural lifestyles. They are commonly found all over Southern Canada. They are omnivorous. They are distinguished by their bush tail and mask-like spot on their faces. The raccoons possess threats to humans and livestock.
The skunks are smelly and live near humans to binge on pet food, trash cans, and composts. The skunks when face dangers release a stink spray to defend against the predators. Ottawa Pest Removal can eradicate these threats to keep both you and your surroundings hearty and wholesome.
How Does Raccoon/Skunk Look Like?

As the raccoons are bigger in size, they are heavier in weight. They can be measured between 6-22 kilograms and can grow 95 cm tall. The male raccoons are larger than that of the females. Their shades range between reddish-brown and grey. However, they have distinctive rings around tails and marks around the eyes. All four feet of theirs have five digits each. They use front paws to perform identical functions as that of human hands.

Skunks are strong small animals comprising of stumpy legs. These creatures have a unique appearance like- tiny black eyes, short sharp snouts, and little heads. One of their most prominent features includes a white stripe that continues from their backs to the tips of their fluffy tails. They can be 50-80 cm tall and have a bodyweight of over 3 kilograms.
What Is The Life Cycle of Raccoons & Skunks?

Though the raccoons do not live in large groups, the preferable mating season starts between January till the mid of March or early spring. A female can deliver up to seven kids. The newborn kids are blind. Their vision comes near with the end of the first month. The kids undergo a fast stage of development i.e, they do not need to breast feed much longer. Nevertheless, they remain with their mothers only for their first winters. They live in the wild and have an average lifespan of about five years.

Skunks mate at the beginning of spring. Mother skunks produce litters. The litters weigh almost around 2-6 kittens in size. The young ones can release the powerful defensive stink spray when they are quite over a year old. By the time they are three months old they can eat feed on other sources but mother’s milk. They can live for a maximum tenure of three years.
What Are The Common Problems Raccoons/Skunks Cause?
Raccoons are one of the carriers of the rabies virus. These rabies can attack the main nervous system. They can also bring structural damage to your house. Female raccoons look to build nests to raise their young ones. Consequently, they can clog chimney pores and attic for building their nests.
The skunks are indeed irritating. It is not only their foul smell but also their oily musk which can cause several health issues such as blindness and skin irritation. They can damage your fruits and vegetables in your gardens. They are also the carrier of the rabies virus.
Need Help of A Wildlife Exterminators ?
How to Get Rid of Raccoons/Skunks?
The raccoons usually enter the house through the open, cracked, or damaged roofs. Make sure to use a raccoon-proof attic. Always check the roof and on detection of any kind of damage seal the entry points or cracks. You can also install motion around your house. Bright lights prevent them to enter the residential premises. Controlling raccoons are very difficult!! You should always approach professionals to regulate such ruckus.
The presence of skunks can be easily detected as they possess a foul smell. A whiff of such smell is enough to detect their presence. If you find soil dug and filed up it indicates the presence of skunks’ burrows. As they ejaculate stink spray it is highly advised to seek expert help to eradicate them.
How to Prevent Raccoon /Skunk Infestation in Your Property?
The below give tips will help you to keep these pests at bay:
- Go for tamper-resistant trash cans.
Thoroughly lean the leftover pet food and bird feeders. - Trim your garden plants, trees, and shrubs once they spreading.
- Seal all the holes and cracks of the roof.
- Install flashlights.
Get in touch with the skilled experts of Ottawa pest control.